PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider
Knowing how and when to administer emergency oxygen is a very useful skill, because it means you can help others if needed. As a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider, you can be reassured because you know how to recognize diving diseases that can be treated with emergency oxygen.

There are no requirements or age restrictions, and there are no lessons in the water in this special course - everyone can participate. Divers, snorkelers and anyone involved with divers - boat crew, lifeguards, etc. - will benefit from this training.
You will learn about diving injuries, various types of emergency oxygen equipment, and oxygen safety precautions. Then you practice:
- Assembly and disassembly of emergency oxygen equipment.
- For a breathing diver, use a mask with a reservoir bag and breathable valve.
- For a non-breathing diver, use a pocket mask.
Can also be combine with the PADI Emergency First Response course.
€ 89,- incl. learning material and certification (combine with Emergency First Response course just € 69,-)