Self Reliant Diver
The PADI Self Reliant Diver includes three dives and theory.
The PADI Self Reliant Diver course is for those of you who would like to take special photo and / or video dives or have no or no suitable dive buddy.

and the necessary technical equipment is needed.
These include:

- swimming without a mask
- swimming in complete equipment over 200m
- orientation with compass and natural navigation
- correct insertion of a lifting bag
- switch to an independent air supply in simulated non-air situations
- diving in neutral buoyancy
- calculation of your air consumption per depth (respiratory minute volume) in different situations
- calculation of your dives based on the calculated respiratory minute volume
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or a similar certification from another diving organization
Minimum age: 18 years
100 logged dives
This course is only available in 1: 1 instructor: student ratio.
aproxx. 2-3 days
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